40+ Women Share The Most Vital Wisdom They’ve Learned With Age

More often than not, aging is seen to be a bad thing. There are the gray hairs, the wrinkles... and that’s not even to mention the lack of energy. But what about all those pearls of wisdom you’ve gained? You know, that advice you wish you could go back and give to your younger self. And when they were asked about the most important things they’ve learned as they’ve gotten older, women on the internet had a lot of golden nuggets to share...

FYI, some of the entries have been edited for clarity and length.

Choose good companions

“The people you surround yourself with have a huge effect on you — your mental health, your physical health, how you think, etc. Set boundaries, and choose people who respect them and have their own boundaries. Cut out toxic people… even if they aren’t trying to be toxic. If you feel worse after interacting with them, they need to go. You only get one life. Don’t spend it trying to solve other people’s problems.” — An1230982356 on Reddit

Living alone can be great

“Marriage isn’t for everyone. I always knew I was on the fence about kids but had a very rosy idea of marriage. Now I freaking love living alone, and I’m really not sure I’d want to compromise that for any but the absolute ideal person (for me).” — Impressive-Bench9223 on Reddit

Try everything, and try it now

“Embrace the phase! You feel like writing a story? You want to learn how to repair a radio? You want to see if knitting is for you? You want to learn to paint this one animal? Do it, and do it now. Interests come in phases, [and] their appeal dies off after a while. So if you have that one thing (or ten) you always wanted to try, no matter how silly — do it.

Do not postpone it ‘until you have time off’ or ‘the kids are out of the house’ or ‘next year maybe.’ Use the momentum and get to it. If you fail, you will have achieved that you have tried what most others didn’t. And if you succeed, teach others about what you love.” — ScepticalWorm on Reddit

 Be you

“The only person you’ll ever spend 100 percent of your time with is you. So do (job/hobbies) what makes you happy. Dress in a way that makes you happy. Do your hair and makeup how you want, for you. Trying to impress others is such a waste of time and energy.” — SaebraK on Reddit