Common Things That Will Be Completely Useless In Just A Few Years

Technology that we once held dear is now resting peacefully with the dinosaurs. There are even objects in the room you’re sitting in right now that will soon be extinct — but that doesn’t mean you have to mourn them! The advent of new technologies means the world will get more user-friendly and more connected... that is, if the current technology isn’t obsolete by the end of this sentence.

1. Washing machines

Okay, so this one sounds totally impossible, but we’re dreaming it’s true: Researchers are apparently developing a “coating” you can put on clothes so that they get clean in the sun. That way, you'll never have to haul armloads of dirty laundry around your house ever again! Plus, think of all the water and energy we'll save when washing machines are kicked to the curb.

2. Keys

Always losing your house keys? That may soon be a problem of the past! Instead of using keys, we'll all be locking our homes with Bluetooth technology in the future. Maybe this sounds like a scam (or worse, straight-up foolish), but Bluetooth has the potential to completely change home security from here on out. Some high-tech people already have home security apps on their phones!

15. Pennies

Unfortunately, the thing weighing down your purse probably isn’t a tiny dog, but all your unused change. The downfall of the penny is more of an inevitability than a possibility, especially since it costs more to make than it’s actually worth! So don't take your pennies for granted — they may be worth more than you'd think one day.

4. Lines

Imagine a world where you don’t have to wait in lines. How much time would you save? Some companies are working on a way to eliminate lines altogether by virtually charging your credit card every time you leave the store with an item. We imagine there'd be a few kinks to work out with this system, but it's an intriguing idea.