Nostradamus’ Predictions For 2022 And The Ways They’re Being Interpreted

It’s been difficult to imagine a light at the end of the tunnel after the hardships of the last few years. That’s why even many of the most ardent skeptics have looked to the great prophets for guidance. And they don’t come much greater than the late Nostradamus. According to interpretations of the French astrologer’s predictions, 2022 was meant to be pretty dark. Let's see how many of his predictions came true.

Peru earthquake

It makes intuitive sense to look back at the previous year as a barometer of how accurate these interpretations are likely to be. Did Nostradamus get anything right? Well, he did appear to predict that there would be a massive earthquake in November 2021. And sure enough, 12 people lost their lives in the natural disaster that hit northern Peru that month.

Brexit fallout

Many believe that Nostradamus also warned about the fallout from Brexit. They’ve interpreted that from the lines,

“Throughout his realm the fleur-de-lis deserted

Bodies dead by water, land one will bring there

Vainly awaiting the good fortune to be buried there.”

And it’s fair to say that the United Kingdom, particularly its economy, has suffered from its European Union exit.

Solar material

Again as per the Daily Express, there was also some truth in the interpretation of,

“Condom and Auch and around Mirande,

I see fire from the sky which encompasses them.

Sun and Mars conjoined in Leo, then at Marmande,

Lightning, great hail, a wall falls into the Garonne.”

Luckily, the solar material that struck Earth in October 2021 wasn’t of the world-ending variety. Scientists judged that the disturbance it caused to the planet’s magnetic field was only a moderate one.

Military technology

And then there was the interpretation, courtesy of website Yearly Horoscope, about military technology from the prophecy,

“The newly made one will lead the army

Almost cut off up to near the bank

Help from the Milanais elite straining

The Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage.”

After all, barely a week went by in 2021 without news of a country’s army being supplied with some form of new robot.