These Are The Strict Rules Members Of The Mafia Must Never, Ever Break

Dodgy deals. Thick “Noo Yoik” accents. Sharp suits. Slicked-back hair. What are we talking about? Well, if you’re a movie fan — and we know you are — then you’ve probably already worked it out. Dear readers, welcome to the world of the Mafia. Or the Mob, the Mafioso, the Cosa Nostra, or just the Family. For the uninitiated, we’re talking about one of the oldest organized-crime syndicates, or rather, groups of legitimate businessmen, in the world. Whatever you call them, these particular gangsters don’t just have strict dress rules. They also have a very specific and enforced code of behavior. And if a mobster doesn’t follow those diktats to the letter, the consequences can be fatal. Here then, are 20 things so-called “made men” can never, ever do…

20. Intro No-No

Honor is, clearly, a big deal to members of the Mafia. As is respect and being good to your mom, but we digress. A big part of honor among family members, as well as those who have potential, is knowing your place. And this rule makes absolutely sure everyone involved knows where they stand. 

The Third Man

What are we talking about? This particular rule states that no potential mobster can ever approach a made man — someone who’s already in a family — directly. Ever. A third person — of similar status — has to do it on their behalf. 

19. No wandering eyes

Gangster movies have been telling us for decades that mobsters always have a wife plus at least one girlfriend. But it seems that old-school Mafia types take a pretty hard line on infidelity. At least, within the Family. Yup, there’s a rule that specifically states that Family men must never look at the wives of their “friends.”

Friendly warning

“Friends” here, as you probably know, is a code-word for Family members. And “look” here means… covet, we assume. Now, all of this is just sensible really. Legitimate businessmen’s lives are complicated enough as it is. But what about outside the Family? Well, that seems just fine… Or does it?