Wild Images From 1800s America That Show The Nation's Roots In A Whole New Light

Horse-drawn carriages and hard labor in dark mines are unimaginable nowadays, but back in the 1800s, they were part of an average day for many American citizens. Life was tough, but the same period also brought new inventions that radically changed how everyone lived. These rare images show just how much life has changed since this transformative era — and how much has stayed the same.

1. Atlantic City

In the late 1800s, Atlantic City became the ultimate beachside destination, in large part because of the United States' first-ever boardwalk. We can see that swimwear had become commonplace, but instead of swim trunks and bikinis, vacationers sported dresses and full-body costumes.

2. Civil War prisoners

These three men are prisoners, formerly of the Confederate Army. They fell into the Union's hands following their defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. In this image, they appear to be taking a breather during a day of hard work, perhaps hauling lumber for construction or splits for a new railroad.

3. Lady Liberty

If you've ever visited (or lived in) New York City, did you get to see the Statue of Liberty? She's over 130 years old and remains in great shape. When you see the incredible detail that went into her frame, it's easy to see why. Here, designer Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi carefully oversees the construction of Lady Liberty's left hand.

4. Tippy toes

Dancing has always been a popular activity, even in the days when prerecorded music was a rarity. Despite the rather vintage costuming, the ballet moves haven't changed too much. It's a very staged shot, no doubt — chalk that up to early enthusiasm about photography.