Guy Uncovers An Odd Box In A Dumpster Filled With Pages Containing Cryptic 'Instructions'

A man is rooting through a dumpster in Asheville, North Carolina when something catches his eye. He’s found a box. It’s not particularly distinctive or strange, but maybe this container is hiding something valuable. And luckily, it isn’t locked. So, he levers the box open – and is blown away by what he finds inside.

"The Box Of Crazy Illustrations"

Surely, this is no big deal, right? Trash tips turn up all sorts of weird finds every day, after all. But this one got some publicity a few years later, when a user shared the find on Reddit. He made a post for the social media platform headed, “I was told that you’d like to see this Box of Crazy illustrations.”

Mysterious origins

The Reddit user who shared the picture is a guy called Dan Wickham. Yet his post about the curious box in 2013 wasn’t actually the beginning of the story. No, the man claimed that a buddy had turned up the weird receptacle in a dumpster in Asheville five years before he’d posted about it. 

Unremarkable... At first glance

The box was nothing special, except that it seemed to have been made by hand. According to the website Mysterious Universe, the simple container carried a handle, locks and it had a hinged lid. The receptacle apparently measured about 2.5 by 3 feet. The outside was unmarked, and there really wasn’t anything remarkable about it. Though it had the perhaps unappealing whiff of “basements and dampness.”

Bizarre contents

So, nothing about it really screamed “take me home” to Wickham’s friend, but still, he was curious. When the latter levered it open, though, the contents astonished him. The things were much weirder than he had thought they’d be. Confused, the guy then decided to get a second opinion on the craziness, and the box winged its way to Wickham.