Divers Revealed Their Scariest Underwater Experiences

There are few experiences quite like scuba diving. The ocean is a world unto itself, totally different to the environment that we’re used to up here on the surface. But in order to see it for yourself, you have to dive deep into its murky depths. And the things you see down there might defy all your expectations – and not always for the better. Here, we take a look into some of the scariest stories that divers have ever brought back from the deep blue.

40. Water gnomes

Loch Fyne in Scotland is known for attracting divers, but one underwater explorer got more than they bargained for during a visit. According to website Bored Panda, this person was swimming along a wall there, descending deeper and deeper – and then they found something. At the bottom of the lake were a number of carefully arranged garden gnomes, just waiting to be discovered. How did they get there?

39. Put to the test

One day, a guy was in the ocean in search of crayfish. These crustaceans are known to hide beneath rocks, so this fellow was scanning around carefully. The next thing he knew – smack! A huge impact to his side, so bad that his arm and ribs snapped. It was a tiger shark butting into him. As recounted by website Ranker, the guy managed to scramble out of the water before anything more serious happened, but maybe the shark would have ignored him. After all, this guy thinks the creature was simply “testing him out.”

38. Stairway to Hell

One Redditor has posted a tale about his father, who went underwater exploring a submerged mining pit in Minnesota. As the dad was swimming around, he noticed what the internet user described as “a very, very ominous-looking stairway to nothing.” Sounds creepy, and naturally the Reddit user dubbed it the “Stairway to Hell.”

37. Water dragon

This one sounds like an old sailor’s tale, but make up your own mind about whether or not you believe it. On Reddit, someone described the time they were investigating an old ship filled with brass. Apparently, as this person approached the shiny alloy, an enormous eel with “ a head the same size as a horse's head, full of jagged teeth” slithered past. This person seems to believe that it was guarding the brass, like a dragon protecting gold.