When A Man Ripped Down The Ceiling In His Cellar, He Found A Box Full Of Life-Changing Treasure

As the dust begins to settle around Imgur user “branik12,” something catches his eye. He’s just pulled down the ceiling in his home’s cellar, hoping to give the room a new lease of life. And there, tucked away between two beams, sits a green-and-gray tin box. Before he can continue with his renovation plans, the DIYer simply has to see what treasure is hidden inside.

Sharing it online

Branik12 was so excited about his discovery that he wanted to share it with the online community. The then-35-year-old DIY enthusiast was renovating his family home. And, as he’d already finished the first and second floors of his property, he decided it was high time to move on to the basement.

Desperately in need of work

So, heading down below, branik12 began work on the eeriest part of his 1940s home. And judging by the photos he uploaded, it was really no wonder the DIYer was so desperate to get started with remodeling his basement. The walls were absolutely covered in what he jokingly referred to as “wall art.” But there was something else he decided to tackle first.

“Wall art”

Perhaps in an attempt to make the space feel more light and airy, branik12 wanted to pull down the ceiling and expose the original wooden beams. So he did just that, making a lot of mess in the process. And when he looked up after the initial crash, an object hidden away in the alcoves caught his eye.

Perched in the beams

It was the green-and-gray tin. Not only was the Imgur user understandably very excited to see what was inside, but he was also very keen to share his discovery online. Writing on Imgur, he reported, “Cool! A treasure. I must document this for Imgur. It’s about time I contributed to the community.”