Can You Match The Courageous Character To The Movie?

What makes a hero? Well, according to the movies, a special mix of courage, insurmountable odds, and most importantly, a true and pure heart. Whether they’re a rough-and-tumble action junkie, a woman flouting gender expectations, or an orphaned child on an epic quest, a part of each of us relates to these underdog stories. So, do you think you’ve wiped away your tears for cinema’s bravest characters? Or do you have some high-stakes movie watching left to do?

This somewhat unremarkable Hobbit went on to save Middle Earth in which epic fantasy?


Clarice maintained her composure in the face of a cannibalistic killer in...

Who is this heroine, who disguised herself to fight on behalf of her father?


Can you name this everyman from Philly who put in the work to become a champion?